Disability Tax Credit

Economical Tax Preparation Brampton
Economical Tax Returns Services Brampton
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Brampton Tax Returns Services
Economical Tax Brampton
Economical Tax Brampton
Tax Returns Services Brampton

If someone you know has a severe and prolonged medical condition that affect one or more activities of daily living.We can collect for you from the government up to $ 25,000 or more, Just 15 minutes of free tax consultation could save you 15% or more on your tax refund savings.Do not let your disability make you think inside the box, you are better off thinking outside the box.

 Just 15 minutes of free tax consultation could save you 30% or more on your disability tax credit claim benefits.

ADHD Agoraphobia Alzheimer’s disease Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Angina
Anorexia Anxiety Arthritis Asperger’s syndrome Ataxia
Auditory Processing Disorder Autism Bi-polar disorder Blindness Borderline personality disorder
Bulimia Cerebral Palsy Chromosome Abnormality Chronic fatigue syndrome Chronic pain Disorder
Colitis Conduct Disorder Coronary artery disease Crohn’s disease Dementia
Depression Developmentally Delayed Difficulty dressing Difficulty hearing Difficulty managing bowel or bladder 
Difficulty walking Difficulty feeding oneself Down Syndrome Epilepsy Fibromyalgia
Generalized anxiety disorder Glaucoma Global Developmental Delay Huntington’s disease Hypermobility syndrome
Hypotonia Irritable Bowel Syndrome Learning Disabilities Mania Mental illness
Mild Intellectual disability Multiple Personality Disorder Multiple Sclerosis Obsessive-compulsive disorder Osteoarthritis
Panic Disorder Parkinson’s disease Post traumatic stress disorder Psychotic episodes Quadriplegic
Schizophrenia Scoliosis Seizure Disorder Speech disorder Stroke
Tourette syndrome


Line 316 Disability Amount (for self) and amount for person under 18 years of age  If you are eligible for the disability tax credit (DTC), you may be able to claim the disability amount on your income tax and benefit return. To be eligible for the DTC, the form  T2201 must be approved, Disability Tax Credit Certificate

Line 318 – Disability amount transferred from a dependant that person may not need to claim all or part of that amount on his or her income tax and benefit return. Under certain conditions, your dependant may be able to transfer this amount to you. If your dependant is eligible for the disability tax credit (DTC), you may be able to claim all or part of his disability amount on your tax return. To be eligible for the DTC the form T2201, must be approved, Disability Tax Credit Certificate, for your dependant. 


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