Mandatory check list

Brampton Tax Return Service /Personal Tax Checklist : 

Details of changes to personal status-marriage, seperation, children, new address, telephone number.


Employment income from all T4 slips, Tips, T5 Interest or dividends, T3  Mutual fund income.

T4OAS old age security (age 65), T4A(P) Canada or Quebec Pension, T4A Pension, retiring allowance, scholarships.
T4RIF Rgistered Retirement Income Fund, T4RSP withdrawal from a RRSP, T5007 workers compensation, social assistance, T5013 Partnership income, T4E Employment Insurance Benifits & T4PS profit sharing plan, T5008 Statement of securities transaction.
Other income received for spousal amount, foreign employment or pension received, rental income received.

Deductions & Credits

RRSP contribution slips, Professional fees or union dues( if not on T4), Donations to Charities  consolidate your household donations in one taxpayer claim to increase tax credits.
Medical expenses ( drugs, dental, glasses, therapy, private health plan premiums, Travel medical care expenses / meals & travel for couples ) paid from your pocket.
Child care expenses  ( maximum of 8000$ ) for children under age of 7, children age 7-16 ( maximum of 5000$ ).
Tuition fees & education receipts ( University Form T2202A download ) to transfer credit to your own tax return , Interest on money borrowed to earn investment income.
Public transit monthly passes, Interest paid on student loans, Spousal support, Political contribution receipts.
Employment expenses ( auto/ supplies/ home office )
( from T2200 required- signed by employer ), moving expenses(T1M) if you moved 40 km closer to new place of work, Home buyer information, Trade people & apprentice tool purchases, if eligible. TL2 meals & lodging for transportation employees expenses not reimbursed by your employer.

Business Income Tax Return Checklist:

 Income : Sales & commissions, HST, Returns, Professional income.
Expenses: Advertising, Meals & entertainment, Bad debts, Insurance, Interest, Business tax fees, Office expenses, Supplies, Legal accounting, Management & administration fees, Rent, Maintenance & repairs, Salaries & Wages, Travelling expenses, Moving, Telephone & utilities, Fuel costs, Delivery freight, Private health service plan premiums.


 Estate & Trust Tax Returns Brampton

In Canada  it’s assumed that the deceased person liquidates all assets one minute prior to death,  are transferred to the dying individuals estate. Tax on estate may:  include the disposition of RRSPs or RRIFs  and their tax must be paid by the estate,  Capital gains on estate, exemption is on primary residence while 50% of the increase in value of the company shares or other real estate from the time of purchase to the value upon death are taxed.
Check list for deceased person tax return : full name, last address, name and address of executor, date of birth and date of death, details of spouse, dependants, last will testament & death certificate copy, prior 3 years tax returns copy, assets at date of death fair market value, income received up to date of death like wages, Canada pension plan, Old age security, other pensions, Canada saving bond  interest, bank account interest, any tax  installments, rental property income and expenses.
T3 Estate return Check list :  deceased has tax payable, if disposed of capital property or has capital gain, has benefit of more than $100 to a beneficiary, a return may not need to be filed if the estate is distributed immediately after death.  To find out what income to report on the T3 return,  see Chart 2 , for more information see  the T4013, T3 – Trust Guide.



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